
Record STP data

Easy STP submissions

Safe, simple and digitally secure submission and storage of STP information for your small business clients.
No more insecure emailing of sensitive information, which leaves your practice vulnerable to legal liability!
STP data format is standardlised for you, making for much more efficient processing by your admin staff, and reduces human error.

STP reminders

Payroll reminders

Ensure your clients never forget, and help them avoid financial penalties for late submissions.
Your staff don't need to waste valuable time monitoring who has and hasn't submitted their STP data and chasing them up.
HYDI automatically reminds every client via email and SMS, and keeps on their case until they do so.

STP Workflow

Workflow management

Save your staff countless hours from having to manually track submissions from clients, and which payrolls have been processed. HYDI provides you with fast and efficient workflows that automates the work of handling submissions, and communicating with clients.


Powerful invoicing

Make money with HYDI's automated invoicing.
Your clients can be automatically invoiced for STP jobs performed, and payment is easy and immediate with electronic payments.
Save even more time and money because HYDI performs all the administrative work of tracking who needs to be invoiced and monitoring payments for you.


Avoid the consequences of forgotten requests

Many projects you undertake for a client have time-sensitive actions that incur consequences if not performed by a given deadline. Delays in submitting BAS can result in ATO fines; failure to provide a document can result in a declined refinance application; not responding to a qualifying question can add weeks to the settlement of an agreement; and much more.
HYDI helps ensure things like this don't happen by tracking requests, and will nag (remind) your clients continually until they respond.
You save a lot of time, effort, and stress by relying on HYDI to remember and monitor these for you.

Document Uploads

Safe, secure document uploads and storage

Getting the various files you need from your clients in a quick, safe and secure manner is troublesome and risky for accountants.
Most people resort to just using email, which is not only putting you and your clients at serious risk from nefarious players on the Internet, but it exposes your practice to legal liability from data breach laws.
Additionally, emails get buried in a mountain of others, which means over time, you have great difficulty in going back to find those files again later on.
HYDI's Document Uploads eliminates all of these problems, and makes it trivial for you and your clients to send documents to each other. Documents are transmitted in an stored format, and stored in a highly secure manner.

News and Updates

Build relationships with your clients

Publish news, updates, tips and any other marketing content directly to your clients with HYDI's built-in, private Facebook-style timeline.
People ignore or lose emails, and Facebook hides and buries your posts. HYDI's News & Updates functionality is a far more effective and reliable way of getting your message across to your clients.

Turn STP into the biggest opportunity you've had for years

HYDI transforms the way your practice helps your small business clients:

  • Eliminate the need for your clients to go out and buy complicated, expensive accounting software just so they can get their STP data to you.
  • Save your clients from incurring financial penalties from the government for forgetting their STP.
  • Stop leaving yourself vulnerable to hackers and legal liability by asking clients to send sensitive information to you by email.
  • Avoid overworking your staff and hiring additional people just so you can keep up with the additional administration STP imposes on you.
  • Avoid embarrasing mistakes in STP processing due to inconsistent or confusing information provided by clients.
  • Gain valuable new clients and avoid losing any because your competition provides better service.

Crunch The Numbers

STP processing requirements and all of the laborious administrative overhead for your practice that entails can cost you a fortune.

Let HYDI save you and your bottom line.

200 small business clients
52 STP submissions per year
30 mins processing time per submission
$32 per hour processing cost
Annual STP processing expense

200 small business clients
52 STP submissions per year
5 mins processing time per submission
$32 per hour processing cost
Annual STP processing expense

Total Annual Savings with HYDI:

$139,500 *

* after $3,650 pa HYDI license fees.

Join the hundreds of accountants that understand the benefits of HYDI.

HYDI will save you money and time, and will increase the loyalty of your small business clients.
Getting set up is easy. Contact us today to discuss how HYDI can help your accounting practice!

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